Inferiority complex is that attitude we display of lack of self-worth, uncertainty and doubt. A feeling of general inadequacy. Inferiority complex is a feeling that prevents you from taking risks and will limit your success potentials. Because whenever you have an idea in your head, you quickly discard it thinking I cannot do it, it will fail, I will be laughed at by friends etc. You become very sensitive and find no meaning to life because you are suffering from personality problem. You find yourself trying to please others in other to win approval. In life every human being has strengths and weaknesses. Know that its just a person like you that wants to make you feel bad. Anyone that condemns another is one that has inferiority complex.
Our happiness should come from God and not from a fellow human being. Most times we think lack of material things like money, latest fashion designs, intelligence and wealthy friends make us less significant. God created you in His own image whether you are too big, fat, short or tall, you have no reason whatsoever to feel less than other people. Remove negative thoughts about yourself and think positively. Do not forget that every human being is a prince or princess in his own rights. Do not move with people/friends that would take advantage of your nature. Such people try to put you down in other to make themselves feel better. If you have friends that are always criticizing you or complaining then you don't need them in your life right now. Move with friends that love you for who you are, not minding whether you are well dressed or not, you have the latest games or not, you are intelligent or not. Be with friends that are always ready to support you in good times and bad times, friends that will always be by your side forever. Parents also need to take great care in ensuring what they communicate to their children by their attitude towards them. Parents must understand that each individual is different. They should not compare their child with anyone. Let your child develop a sense of self worth. Know your child's likes and dislikes and encourage him or her to do what he likes. You must not copy what another child does. Spend time with your children and help them to bear negative experience without getting inferiority complex. The Bible tells us that satan's psychological weapon is in inferiority complex, which can destroy our relationship with God and with other people. Jesus said, "forget about yourself", that is to say don't rely on yourself but on God. In Exodus 3vs1, when God asked Moses to go to Pharaoh, he felt inferior because he stammers but eventually he overcame it and led the Isrealites our of Egypts. So the same God that did it for Moses will also do it for you only if you accept and are willing to let Him into your hearts.

Nanna Y. Dashe
Sunday School Teacher

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